Apple iWatch_Victoria Thompson-Mitchell

About the iWatch

The newly out on the market Apple iWatch is a piece of wearable technology. It has a lot of cool new add-ons that the iPhone or iPad have. This extremely personally device is a new way to communicate with loved ones by sending your heart beat to them and drawings.

It is quicker to keep in touch with people and keep in contact with others, it is easy to access because it is on your wrist the whole day and you don’t have to get your phone out of your pocket or bag. You are able to use this watch for all the same apps as any iPhone, including your sports app so it can be used as a sports watch .

The battery life however only lasts for about a day but you can charge it overnight.

4 things the apple watch can’t do.

yes this new pice of tech is great and all but it can’t do everything.

1. Universal Compatibility: the watch needs to be paired up with one of the new iPhones (iPhone 6, 6plus, 5, 5c and 5s). It wont work with an android or windows phone.

2.Key Board: there is no keyboard on the iWatch

3. A Camera: the iWatch has no camera

4. Built in GPS and wifi: you need to be connected to another iPhone for wifi to work. The watch can track distance for any sport related activity without a phone or where you have been.







Sure the apple iWatch is a great new piece of wearable technology, but t comes with quite a lot of OH&S concerns. For example because this is a lot like the iPhone it can be distracting for drivers, they could be distracted easily by this wearable tech because it is so easy to access unlike the iPhone which you’d have to get out of your pocket or bag.

This is quite dangerous for drivers and the general public. Drivers could crash into other people or into other cars. However someone walking by who is distracted by his or her new watch could easily walk into on coming traffic or other people. This hazard could harm them and everyone else around them, and with new laws coming into practise about mobile devices distracting drivers how will the police pick up on who is breaking the law and who is just checking the time on a normal watch.


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